After a long span of lots of hard work (more about that in the coming month) but no performances, I had not one but two gigs this week, performing with my co-conspirators from the wú:: Collective, Alex and Roger.
Announcement of the WeArt SubverJam.
First, on Wednesday, we took part in the SubverJam session (in polite company, referred to as a New Media Art event), as part of the closing of the 2013 WeArt Festival.
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I finally managed to put together a video of my live coding performance at Niu. Enjoy! (that is, if you have 23 minutes to kill)
2nd annual “Live Coding Sessions” evening at Niu, on March 22, 2013
Coding was done in [SuperCollider]( 3.6, and I set myself the constraint of only using the most basic building blocks of sound: sine waves (as oscillators, LFOs, envelopes, even as arpeggiators driving patterns of scale degrees).
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El Teatrillu (a Catalan diminutive of teatre, meaning: “little theatre”) is software for the performing arts. It’s an application, built on top of openFrameworks, that I’ve been working on with the other members of the wú:: collective. Alex and Roger had already created the first version of this software – a mix of interactive theatre, live stop-motion animation, puppeteering and digital sleight of hand – when I came along last summer and asked if I could join the party.
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